Thursday, July 10, 2008

Day 4 Of The Warrior Diet

My sleep has been light and I have been extremely tired in the morning. Today I weighed surprisingly low at 206.

I had a pretty decent workout. I am continuing to try and incorporate the Super Muscle CFT training. There are some new exercises that I'm not used to like the Clean and Press that I am trying to guage appropriate weight for.

Today I did a pretty intense workout including a long set of 3 supersets including a varying sets of step ups, renegade row and pushup complexes, and ballistic and regular pushups. My set of these exercises lasted about 10 minutes without stopping and included 3 full cycles. I pre-exhausted with 4 1 minute sprint/jog 50/50 intervals.

For back, I did 4 Clean and Press / Lat Pull Down supersets. For the clean and press I went way too light with my first set of just the olympic bar, and then only adding 20 total pounds. Next time I'll start heavier.

I also did a 5 minute non-stop ab workout, which I rarely document.

I'll give more details on these workouts as I get a better handle on them and have more information to give.

Meal 1: 2 Kiwi
Meal 2: 1 Pear
Meal 3: Brocolli, Cauliflower, approx 1/4 lb of various cheeses, and spelt bread

I felt that I underate slightly today.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Day 3 Of The Warrior Diet

Today I felt a little lighter. I weighed in around 208/209 in the AM, fluctuating back up to 210/211. There was no workout today as I was letting my body repair. Overall my mood was good and my energy was stable throughout the day.

Meal 1: 2 Bananas
Meal 2: Handful of Almonds, roasted and salted
Meal 3: 2 Kiwi
Meal 4: Edamame, steamed broccoli, Sashimi: Fluke, Shrimp, Crab, and Yellowtail, and a small bowl of White Rice

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Day 2 of The Warrior Diet

I didn’t feel fantastic when I woke up today, but I felt a little better. I weighed in around 212 again this morning. My body is likely still fighting off the onslaught of processed and hormone filled indulgence that I engaged in over the weekend.

My work out today was something a little different. I tried a variety of Class III CFT exercises from the Warrior Workout geared toward building super muscle fibers. I mixed some of that with some other simple exercises that I know. I am not sure how well I adhered to some of the CFT (Controlled Fatigue Training) Principles, but what I do know is that I stayed within the recommended time frame for the work out: 5 – 30 minutes.

I also bought a round timer today, but I’m not happy with the limited variance of intervals. I think the Gymboss timer from Adam’s blog is the better choice.

Today’s Workout
2 Min Jog Warm Up
30 Second Sprint with hands over head
2 Mins of step ups on bleachers
30 Second Sprint with hands over head
2 Mins of body weight squats with hands over head
30 Second Sprint with hands over head
2 Mins of Step Ups On Bleachers
30 Second Sprint with hands over head
2 Min walk with hands over head

This workout doesn’t look like much, but I was DYING. My shoulders were on fire, I almost tripped when I did my second sprint set, and I was winded like you wouldn’t believe. I imagine that when I really morph this kind of workout tighter to CFT, it’s going to be a KILLER. I can’t wait.

My appetite this night was a little better, although not incredible. While the workout was brief and intense, I doubt how much I managed to really engage major muscle groups. I definitely hit my legs, and got some good cardio, and of course my shoulders were on fire, but most of my strain was cardio and intra-cellular lactic acid build up. I’m not sure there was any real significant micro-trauma in any major muscle tissue or major depletion in muscle glycogen.

Meal 1: 2 Bananas
Meal 2: 1 Pear
Meal 3: ½ an eggplant, 1 onion, 1 green bell pepper, a variety of pepper jack, cheddar, and mozzarella cheeses, ½ loaf of sprouted wheat bread

Monday, July 7, 2008

Day 1 Of The Warrior Diet

I recently read the Warrior Diet. You can see a more complete summary on what it is in my Warrior Diet review post. I really like what I read so I am going to go at it for four weeks like I did the Paleo Diet and see what happens.

The Warrior Diet is pretty similar to the Paleo Diet in many senses, but allows for additional foods such as some grains and dairy products like cheese, yogurt, and high quality whey protein powder.

Today was the first day, and it was remarkably easy. I've been well prepped by my fasting experience and with how I responded to my raw/paleo hybrid diet. However, my evening meal was cut abrubtly short by a lack of appetite. I conjecture that is due to my system still being somewhat full from the three day vacation. I simply ate what my body asked for about an hour later.

What I first noticed was different this time was the very small amount of food that I ate during the day. However, my workout went pretty well considering how low you would think my blood sugar would have been. I'll be noting in my meal listings where my workouts fit in.

Over time, I also plan to adopt a more Warrior style work out, also detailed by Ori in his book, and supplemental materials. All in all, considering that I took 3 days to eat what ever I wanted, and hadn't been to the gym in about 5 days, today felt pretty damn good.

I just finished typing my workout and scrolled back up. Simply typing out what I did, makes me want to do it again. ROAR!!!!

The Workout:
Super Set 1
Steps Ups with 40lb DBs x 8 each leg, Renegade Rows with one push up between each row x8 each arm, Step Ups with 25lb DBs x 6 each leg, Plyo Pushups x 10, Step Ups w/ no weight 6 each leg, regular pushups x 10.
This entire super set was completed all the way through with no rest, twice.

Super Set 2
DB Bell Press with 60lb DBs x 8, Stability Ball Flies with 30lb DBs x 8,
DB Bell Press with 60lb DBs x 6, Stability Ball Flies with 30lb DBs x 6, 10 Push Ups

Super Set 3
Lat Pull Downs 150x9, Stab Ball Rolling Xtensions x 10
Lat Pull Downs 150x8, Stab Ball Rolling Xtensions x 10

Super Set 4
Bent Single Arm Row x 35lbs x 5 each arm, 5 Squat Jumps (repeated twice, no rest)
Bent Single Arm Row x 35lbs x 8 each arm, 12 Squat Jumps

Meal 1: 1lb Strawberries
Meal 2: 2 Bananas
Meal 3: 1/4lb grassfed beef, 1 Brocolli Stalk, 1/2 Cauliflower....about an hour later Raw Unpasturized Cheese and sprouted wheat bread

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Day 28 Of The Paleolithic Diet

Today, I continued making a transition to the Warrior Diet. I ate only Paleo approved foods, (with the exception of the sprouted wheat) but I did so in a fashion that is outlined by the Warrior Diet. Through most of the day, I had nothing but fruit, and very little of it, but my evening meal after my work out was HUGE.

My work out today consisted of my usual very long mult-functional super sets. I felt incredibly strong, and pushed myself to the limit, and beyond. And my appetite tonight was inSANE. Here's the food list for the day.

Meal 1: 1lb of Strawberries
Meal 2: 3 Bananas
Meal 3: Handful of cashews
Meal 4: 1 Brocolli stalk, 1/2 an Eggplant, 1/2 a cauliflower, 1 full LB of grass fed beef, 3/4 of a small loaf of sprouted wheat bread

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Day 27 Of The Paleolithic Diet

Between yesterday and today I finished reading the Warrior Diet by Ori Hofflemaker. I will write a general post on the jist of the diet, but today I gave it a run and it is pretty cool. It is basically Paleolithic in nature, with a little more allowance for some grains.

The general idea is to engage in a controlled fast throughout the day with some fresh fruit, and a giant feast at night of highly nutritious vegetables, proteins, and carbs. There some rules to follow during this major over eating phase of the day, but the focus is on making sure you become satiated and fueled.

I gave it a more informed shot today (as opposed to yesterday when I hadn't read the whole book yet), and it was actually very satisfying. Here are the details.

Meal 1: 1lb Strawberries
Meal 2: 2 Bananas
Meal 3: Handful of Cashews
Meal 4: 1 Brocolli stalk, 1/2 cauliflower, 1/4lb of organic, unpasteurized raw cheddar, 1/2 cup of brown rice

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Day 26 Of The Paleolithic Diet

Today was a great day. I am transitioning at this point into the Warrior Diet, which is a very cool concept. I am planning on loosening up this weekend for July 4th and will hit the Warrior Diet head on the following Monday. At this stage, my weight has dropped to consistenly stay around 209, which is hugely significant. My workouts are still strong, containing very long multi-muscle group super sets.

I took a trip with my buddy to Atlanta today to meet with a top Naturepath to talk about nutrition and supplements. I told him about my Paleolithic Diet experience, and was pretty intrigued. Especially when I described the results and my buddy corroborated the intense change that he witnessed in me.

The best part of the trip was the humungous helpings of different varieties of meat that I had at the Brazilian barbeque. It was definitely an experience.

Meal 1: Fresh figs
Meal 2: Shrimp cocktail and grilled asparagus
Meal 3: Brazilian Barbeque: chicken, steak, and some rolls (rolls are not part of the Paleolithic diet)