Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Day 2 of The Warrior Diet

I didn’t feel fantastic when I woke up today, but I felt a little better. I weighed in around 212 again this morning. My body is likely still fighting off the onslaught of processed and hormone filled indulgence that I engaged in over the weekend.

My work out today was something a little different. I tried a variety of Class III CFT exercises from the Warrior Workout geared toward building super muscle fibers. I mixed some of that with some other simple exercises that I know. I am not sure how well I adhered to some of the CFT (Controlled Fatigue Training) Principles, but what I do know is that I stayed within the recommended time frame for the work out: 5 – 30 minutes.

I also bought a round timer today, but I’m not happy with the limited variance of intervals. I think the Gymboss timer from Adam’s blog is the better choice.

Today’s Workout
2 Min Jog Warm Up
30 Second Sprint with hands over head
2 Mins of step ups on bleachers
30 Second Sprint with hands over head
2 Mins of body weight squats with hands over head
30 Second Sprint with hands over head
2 Mins of Step Ups On Bleachers
30 Second Sprint with hands over head
2 Min walk with hands over head

This workout doesn’t look like much, but I was DYING. My shoulders were on fire, I almost tripped when I did my second sprint set, and I was winded like you wouldn’t believe. I imagine that when I really morph this kind of workout tighter to CFT, it’s going to be a KILLER. I can’t wait.

My appetite this night was a little better, although not incredible. While the workout was brief and intense, I doubt how much I managed to really engage major muscle groups. I definitely hit my legs, and got some good cardio, and of course my shoulders were on fire, but most of my strain was cardio and intra-cellular lactic acid build up. I’m not sure there was any real significant micro-trauma in any major muscle tissue or major depletion in muscle glycogen.

Meal 1: 2 Bananas
Meal 2: 1 Pear
Meal 3: ½ an eggplant, 1 onion, 1 green bell pepper, a variety of pepper jack, cheddar, and mozzarella cheeses, ½ loaf of sprouted wheat bread

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