Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Day 27 Of The Paleolithic Diet

Between yesterday and today I finished reading the Warrior Diet by Ori Hofflemaker. I will write a general post on the jist of the diet, but today I gave it a run and it is pretty cool. It is basically Paleolithic in nature, with a little more allowance for some grains.

The general idea is to engage in a controlled fast throughout the day with some fresh fruit, and a giant feast at night of highly nutritious vegetables, proteins, and carbs. There some rules to follow during this major over eating phase of the day, but the focus is on making sure you become satiated and fueled.

I gave it a more informed shot today (as opposed to yesterday when I hadn't read the whole book yet), and it was actually very satisfying. Here are the details.

Meal 1: 1lb Strawberries
Meal 2: 2 Bananas
Meal 3: Handful of Cashews
Meal 4: 1 Brocolli stalk, 1/2 cauliflower, 1/4lb of organic, unpasteurized raw cheddar, 1/2 cup of brown rice

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