Thursday, July 10, 2008

Day 4 Of The Warrior Diet

My sleep has been light and I have been extremely tired in the morning. Today I weighed surprisingly low at 206.

I had a pretty decent workout. I am continuing to try and incorporate the Super Muscle CFT training. There are some new exercises that I'm not used to like the Clean and Press that I am trying to guage appropriate weight for.

Today I did a pretty intense workout including a long set of 3 supersets including a varying sets of step ups, renegade row and pushup complexes, and ballistic and regular pushups. My set of these exercises lasted about 10 minutes without stopping and included 3 full cycles. I pre-exhausted with 4 1 minute sprint/jog 50/50 intervals.

For back, I did 4 Clean and Press / Lat Pull Down supersets. For the clean and press I went way too light with my first set of just the olympic bar, and then only adding 20 total pounds. Next time I'll start heavier.

I also did a 5 minute non-stop ab workout, which I rarely document.

I'll give more details on these workouts as I get a better handle on them and have more information to give.

Meal 1: 2 Kiwi
Meal 2: 1 Pear
Meal 3: Brocolli, Cauliflower, approx 1/4 lb of various cheeses, and spelt bread

I felt that I underate slightly today.

1 comment:

Jonathan said...

I just read your entire blog. it looks like you stopped posting your diet. Why and where are you at with it? I found your diet inspiring, I tried being vegan once but I was already really skinny and worried I was going to lose more weight. I am starting to rethink the diet and am interested in your warrior diet since I realized I lose weight when I don't get nutrients and it might not be related to eating not enough fat or meat.
How do you cook your meat or fish to be mostly raw or have the fisch be raw without bacteria building up in it. Also how do you keep the meat fresh enough to eat raw or mostly raw. Do you go shopping every day, twice a week or more?
Thanks Jonathan