Monday, July 7, 2008

Day 1 Of The Warrior Diet

I recently read the Warrior Diet. You can see a more complete summary on what it is in my Warrior Diet review post. I really like what I read so I am going to go at it for four weeks like I did the Paleo Diet and see what happens.

The Warrior Diet is pretty similar to the Paleo Diet in many senses, but allows for additional foods such as some grains and dairy products like cheese, yogurt, and high quality whey protein powder.

Today was the first day, and it was remarkably easy. I've been well prepped by my fasting experience and with how I responded to my raw/paleo hybrid diet. However, my evening meal was cut abrubtly short by a lack of appetite. I conjecture that is due to my system still being somewhat full from the three day vacation. I simply ate what my body asked for about an hour later.

What I first noticed was different this time was the very small amount of food that I ate during the day. However, my workout went pretty well considering how low you would think my blood sugar would have been. I'll be noting in my meal listings where my workouts fit in.

Over time, I also plan to adopt a more Warrior style work out, also detailed by Ori in his book, and supplemental materials. All in all, considering that I took 3 days to eat what ever I wanted, and hadn't been to the gym in about 5 days, today felt pretty damn good.

I just finished typing my workout and scrolled back up. Simply typing out what I did, makes me want to do it again. ROAR!!!!

The Workout:
Super Set 1
Steps Ups with 40lb DBs x 8 each leg, Renegade Rows with one push up between each row x8 each arm, Step Ups with 25lb DBs x 6 each leg, Plyo Pushups x 10, Step Ups w/ no weight 6 each leg, regular pushups x 10.
This entire super set was completed all the way through with no rest, twice.

Super Set 2
DB Bell Press with 60lb DBs x 8, Stability Ball Flies with 30lb DBs x 8,
DB Bell Press with 60lb DBs x 6, Stability Ball Flies with 30lb DBs x 6, 10 Push Ups

Super Set 3
Lat Pull Downs 150x9, Stab Ball Rolling Xtensions x 10
Lat Pull Downs 150x8, Stab Ball Rolling Xtensions x 10

Super Set 4
Bent Single Arm Row x 35lbs x 5 each arm, 5 Squat Jumps (repeated twice, no rest)
Bent Single Arm Row x 35lbs x 8 each arm, 12 Squat Jumps

Meal 1: 1lb Strawberries
Meal 2: 2 Bananas
Meal 3: 1/4lb grassfed beef, 1 Brocolli Stalk, 1/2 Cauliflower....about an hour later Raw Unpasturized Cheese and sprouted wheat bread

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