Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Day 13 Of The Paleolithic Diet

Today was an interesting day. I felt pretty good, although I got really tired as the day went on. I was also in a sour and nasty mood at work, but I think that has more to do with the ugly predicament I am in than anything else. By the time I got home, I felt like my body was trying to keep me out of the gym. I'm wondering if I've been clean long enough for my body to be digging a little deeper to do some repair work. It feels like that is the case. I heeded Adam's advice (to keep the fruit away from the meat) today, although I didn't do as well as I would have liked. I was hungry soon after meal 6 and had meal 7 within a few hours. I should have ate a bit more substance throughout the day and put meal 6 where meal 7 was. Other than that, I really get the feeling that, as I said, my body is repairing and rebuiling. My caffeine intake is also high.

I'm going to hit the hay and encourage some additional anabolic processes.

Meal 1: 3 Oranges
Meal 2: 1/2 cup of Blueberries
Meal 3: Handfuls of Macadamia Nuts and 1 Cup of Raspberries
Meal 4: 2 Cups of Large Green grapes
Meal 5: 6 Bananas
Meal 6: 1/2 lb grass fed beef (pretty rare) 2 ears of corn
Meal 7: 3 Mashed bananas, 3 figs, handful of sun flower seeds

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