Sunday, June 8, 2008

Welcome To My World

I don't know about you, but I'm tired of living in the Matrix. It came to my attention recently that I am a regular guy who doesn't know SHIT! Yeah, it was a new realization for me. It kind of stings every time it hits me at a new level, but dammit freedom feels good so I'm down for the pain.

Over the last couple years I started realizing that my understanding of reality in so many areas is just TWISTED. Based on what I was taught, what I chose to ignore, and what I allowed the media to feed me, I have had a lot of beliefs that were just not based in reality. My understanding of relationships, women, health and fitness, my identity and psychology, life purpose, and even the need for a career have been wacked!

The result? A life that I designed unconsciously. Sound familiar?

Well, I've been seeing the Matrix bit by bit over the last few years so as I'm decoding what I'm able to slowly over time, I'm going to keep a running tab on what I find. I'm also going to dig back in my memory a ways and pull out some old writing and realizations that I've had. But trust me, I'm not doing it alone. I'm just posting what I've learned from spiritual leaders, friends, and my own experience. I ain't no guru. I'm just a guy who needs to learn a lot of hard lessons, probably a lot like you. So hopefully you can learn something from this blog.

If you are a seeker and looking for purpose, clarity, and wellness that is grounded in reality, we are in the same boat. So enjoy my blog, and jump in head first down the rabbit hole with me and my friends. We need all the help we can get to Decode The Matrix!!!!!

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