Saturday, June 21, 2008

Day 16 Of The Paleolithic Diet

I have been sleeping a LOT lately. Last night (Friday) I fell asleep at 7PM and woke up around 9pm. Then I went to bed at around 12 and woke up today around 9:30 - 10, and felt compelled to rest until 11am. I am wodering if my body is just going through the whole detox, deep clean process that I have read about. It also seems that I am continuing to drop weight pretty consistently. I also fell asleep in the afternoon from about 4 to 6. Very odd. But it felt good and I woke up refreshed, so I guess I needed it.

I did a work out today. I didn't do any direct arm or shoulder work because it felt like I was hitting them pretty hard indirectly.

Superset 1:
Weighted Step Ups / Pushup Renegade Rows
*Pushup Renegade Rows Instructions:
Grab 2 dumbbells and put them under your shoulders and grab them like you are getting into pushup position with your feet a little wider than shoulder width apart. Drop down and do a pushup, then while keeping your body parallel to the floor, row with your right arm, then control the weight down. Then drop and do a push up and row the weight up w/ your left arm. That is 1 Rep. When you get really burnt, you can change the push up to only one per rowing with each arm.*

Ok, back to the work out:
Superset 1:
Weighted Step Ups / Pushup Renegade Rows
Set 1: 45lbs ea arm x 10 ea leg / 25lbs ea arm x 8 ea arm x 16 push ups
Set 2: 45lbs ea arm x 10 ea leg / 25lbs ea arm x 8 ea arm x 16 push ups
Set 3: 45lbs ea arm x 10 ea leg / 25lbs ea arm x 8 ea arm x 8 push ups

Superset 2:
Incline Single Arm Dumbbell Press / Medicine Ball Push Up / Lat Pull Down / Front Lat Pull Down
Set 1: 45lbs each arm x 12 / 4 ea arm / 140 x 10 / 50 x 12
Set 2: 45lbs each arm x 10 / 2 ea arm / 120 x 8 / 50 x 10

Meal 1: 1lb of strawberries
Meal 2: 3 large pears
Meal 3: (post workout) 5 bananas blended in water
Meal 4: 5 mashed bananas, 4 dates, and flax seed
Meal 5: 1 pint of raspberries
Meal 6: 1 cup baby carrots
Meal 7: 1 banana
Meal 8: 1/2 bunch of celery w/ lots of chunky all natural pb

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