Thursday, June 26, 2008

Day 21 Of The Paleolithic Diet

And Day 3 Of My Fast

I am writing this post on Friday in retrospect to yesterday and last night.

First off, I woke up pretty easy, again with that suspended animation feeling. I'm most conscious of the fact that I haven't been eating more than anything else. I weighed in at work, and was shocked to see that I was down to 209. Even though I didn't drop yesterday morning, it looked like I lost two pounds. And even with fluid in take through out the day, my weight didn't increase much. Very interesting indeed.

Well, this day was easy, but the night was ROUGH. There were periods of real euphoria, and periods of neutrality throughout the day, but cravings kicked in HARD at night. I couldn't sleep, and all I thought about as I was trying to fall asleep was food. I was starting to panic a little about what I was going to do, and eat, after this fast was over. I wanted to pig out. And I was thinking about heavy rich foods again, pizza, calzones....etc.

But I did manage to get through it and fall asleep.

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