Sunday, June 22, 2008

Day 17 Of The Paleolithic Diet

Again, I was tired all day. I didn't feel hungry, just drained. I think my body is continuing it's deep cleaning and detox process. I should talk to Adam more about the fatigue. He did mention something about hitting a wall at some point during this diet. Again I slept about 9 hours and then took a 2 hour nap in the afternoon.

Another factor for my being so tired, may also be that I have been keeping myself in the house doing a lot of reading and research. I wonder how much of a role the inertia is playing. I'm not sure because last weekend I was raring to go all day. I suppose time will tell.

My diet was clean all day.......until. Yeah, I had some major pizza cravings again. I thought I had it under control, again with PB and celery. But for some reason, I convinced myself that a cheat would be a good thing. But how wrong I was.

This time, I didn't just pay the price mentally. I feel physically sick and disgusted. I had two of those nasty little Mr Pibs pizzas. I literally tasted like cardboard to me. I didn't even enjoy it. If I'm going to cheat, it should at least be with something worthwhile.

However, my body is becoming so accustomed to eating clean, that I don't think it can even handle anything processed or altered. I feel like there is something alive and evil sitting in my gut.

Meal 1: Grapes
Meal 2: Cashews
Meal 3: 1/4 of a watermelon
Meal 4: 5 Bananas 4 dates and flax seed
Meal 5: Celery and PB
Meal 6: ***Cheat meal from hell!!!*** 2 mr pibbs pizzas (small) and some coconut shrimp

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