Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Dead Before Retirement

I've thought about the real time investment that I'm making into working in an office, for some jerk offs who don't care if I live or die. Yeah, I really do feel that way about the guys who run my company. If you are in my boat, working 40 hours a week and commuting, we are throwing away MASSIVE quantities of our life down the drain for the furthering of someone else's agenda. Let's do some quick math.

Assuming we work 40 hours per week, and spend 10 hours per week commuting, this is the break down of the time investment that we make over the course of our lives to our “careers.”

50 Hours per week X 50 weeks in a year = 2,500 hours per year
2,500 hours per year / 24 hours in a day = 104 days per year
104 days per year X 45 years = 4,680 Days
4,680 days / 365 days in a year = 12.8 years

That's 12.8 years of our lives dedicated to the profits of other people who don't have our best interests in mind!

Assuming that we are only awake for 16 hours of the day, let's see how much time we loose assuming a 16 hour day.

2,500 hours per year / 16 hours in a day = 156.25 days per year
156.25 days per year X 45 years = 7,031 Days
7,031 Days / 365 Days in a year = 19 years

In this scenario, if we live to be 75, we'll have only lived 56 years of our lives doing what we want for ourselves. Essentially, we'll be dead 9 years before our retirements.

Well I say FUCK THAT! Plans are underway to Escape The Matrix. I suggest you formulate yours as well.

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