Saturday, June 14, 2008

Day 9 Of The Paleolithic Diet

I went to bed late last night, around 3:30 am. My eyes opened on their own this morning around 9am. I'm light on sleep, and tried to get myself back to sleep, but I was wide awake. I guess that is all my body wanted for sleep, albeit I stayed a bit groggy for a while.

What I love about the Paleolithic Diet is that I don't have to make myself do anything that I don't want to do. You are only supposed to eat when you are hungry on the Paleolithic Diet so I don't have to force myself to immediately cook up egg whites and oat meal and force it down against my will as soon as I get up. As a matter of fact, I don't ever have to eat egg whites and oatmeal ever again and can still reach my fitness goals!!!

I just get up and go about my business and eat when I am hungry. And the greatest thing, is that I'm eating sweet fruit, so its refreshing and enjoyable!

Another awesome feature of the Paleolithic Diet that I really enjoy, is the fact that you are supposed to eat until satiated. I'm simply not hungry after I'm done eating. And if I get hungry soon, I just grab more fruit.

The Paleolithic Diet really is working out well for me.

Today I hit 11 sprints on that monster of a hill. I rested once for about 5-10 seconds between cycles 8 and 9. Other than that, straight through like an animal. Yes, I am a fucking ANIMAL! ROOOAARRRRR!!!!!!!

The key now will be to refuel sufficiently. Sugar is essential to recovery. Fortunately, the Paleolithic Diet allows for PLENTY!!!

Meal 1: 3 Mangoes
Meal 2: 7 Bananas
Meal 3: 5 Kiwis
Meal 4: 2 cups baby carrots

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