Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Day 6 Of The Paleolithic Diet

Waking up was a little easier today. I noticed that I have been going to be earlier, between 10 and 11. I woke up at 8am this morning. I probably needed extra rest from the work out with my trainer yesterday. It's getting a little more difficult to record everything I eat as I am doing a bit more grazing. Especially later in the day today.

I am actually in the mood for some exercise at this point. I'm not sure how good of an idea that is, given the fact that I'm hungry, but I just feel compelled to go do some hill sprints. Currently it's about 8 PM and my last meal was Meal 5. I'll be back in a few to let you know how the hill sprints were......

.....Whew! OK....that was awesome!

For whatever reason, the fact that I was hungry didn't really matter. Not that I want to start making a habit of working out when hungry, but I felt fine. Actually, I was better than fine!
Today's hill sprints, were incredible! I was up today from Monday, doing a total of 8 today as oppossed to a total of 6 on Monday. What a jump! First of all, I usually only do one lap around the track for a warm up and I feel kind of heavy at the end of that. Well today I kept running at a decent clip past where I usually stop and it didn't even occur to me to stop and stretch out, so right off the bat, I was in a different zone where I was feeling pretty full of energy. So I did a two lap warm up today.

When I started the sprints, the first one didn't really leave me winded. The second and third were pretty easy as well. I noticed that I wasn't really starting to slow down until about the 5th sprint. Also, I am realizing that the sensation of being winded is much different than before. I feel it much more in my chest and throat like I did when I was younger and I'm still able to push my limbs hard in the midst of that. Last week, I had more of a nautious, almost panicy feeling in addition to the heart pounding, and my legs felt more like lead. As I sit here typing post workout, I feel much lighter, and cleaner burning than I have felt in years.

I believe the difference is likely attributable to a few different things:

1. I'm not using ephedra any more. Ephedra is known to cause high blood pressure. When my trainer took my blood pressure about three weeks ago, it was 145/88. He was trying not to look concerned. It was the next morning that I realized I needed to drop the ephedra. My nauseated fatigue was clearly related to my high blood pressure. Since I've been off that stuff, my BP has dropped considerably to 135/80. I still have a ways to go. My guess is that it has dropped even more since I started this new diet last Friday. Especially considering my physical progress.

2. All the natural food I'm eating is leaving my body with the time and energy to detox. This new way of eating is definitely clearing my system of toxins and allowing my body to function much better. Energy production and oxygen distribution and absorption isn't as hindered as it was before. I choose my words carefully so as not to give the impression that it isn't hindered at all. My body most likely has just begun the cleaning out process, and I am hopefull that my results will continue to improve drastically over the foreseeable future.

Meal 1: 1 Cantaloupe
Meal 2: 4 Bananas
Meal 3: 5 Kiwi
Meal 4: Grapes (grazing)
Meal 5: Grapes (another grazing period)
Meal 6: 1 Broccolli Crown and approx 1/2lb of grass fed beef

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